The Crack Of Thunder

Awwww! The crack of thunder on a sun filled vacation is an amazing thing. The sounds, the sights and the time together is priceless.

This might make most cringe but all I can see is bliss as I hear the thunderstorm above.

This is what that bliss looks like. Cuddling up and sitting outside on a balcony high above the ocean watching the drops and hearing the rolling of the thunder while ” Living On a Prayer ” plays in the unoccupied pool area. Good grief am I a lucky woman or what! I freaking LOVE my life.

The “Prayer ” I have is that we buy a unit here on the beach and soon we rent and own a piece of this heaven, where the water is clear,

The air is sea worthy.

And the world is one worth the laughter of a child

I Love This Life !!! May we be blessed with many more.

Let me know if there is a way I can help you make this happen for your family. I love life and to share how to make it happen is a privilege. Annette

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